Monday, February 26, 2007

Vitamin C to Boost Your Immune system

by Kimberly Jamieson

I would like to explain how important vitamin C is and how it relates to women's health issues. One of the many things we keep hearing from our doctors and also in advertisements is the importance of vitamin C. While I was in the grocery store shopping I noticed that so many food items are fortified with vitamin C. So it is important to point out how important vitamin C is to our body.

Vitamin C will help boost our immune systems and it will help to increase the fighting power of our immune system. According to Dr. Bill Sears "vitamin C helps to increase the number of white blood cells in the immune systems army, train them to fight better, and help them form an overall better health plan". He recommends approximately 2000 milligrams a day. This can be achieved by eating six servings of fruit each day. Fruit Containing Large Quantities of Vitamin C -Guava 165 milligrams of vitamin C -Papaya 87 milligrams of vitamin C -Strawberries 84 milligrams of vitamin C -Kiwi 74 milligrams of vitamin C -Cantaloupe 68 milligrams of vitamin C -Orange 75 milligrams of vitamin C -Grape Fruit 42 milligrams of vitamin C If you increase your intake of Vitamin C it will increase the production of white blood cells while also fighting infection. This inexpensive vitamin will also reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease by raising your level of HDL, which is the good cholesterol. Research also shows that people with a higher level of vitamin C have a lower risk of breast, colon, and prostrate cancer. Kimberly Jamieson has achieved success in living and maintaining a healthy fit lifestyle and has helped thousands achieve this success by using her fitness, diet, lifestyle and motivation tips. She is committed to helping women's fitness, and women's health and wellness and helping others achieve ultimate health and wellness.
About the Author

Kimberly Jamieson has achieved success in living and maintaining a healthy fit lifestyle and has helped thousands achieve this success by using her fitness, diet, lifestyle and motivation tips. She is committed to helping women's fitness, and women's health and wellness and helping others achieve ultimate health and wellness.

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