by Femi Cole
Bear Creek, Wis. - As millions of Americans revel in St. Patrick's Day celebrations, the maker of the country's leading Sauerkraut brands, Silver Floss® and Krrrrisp Kraut®, has the solution to corned beef leftovers - the perfect Reuben sandwich.
The Reuben combines grilled or toasted rye bread with the hearty flavor of corned beef, a St. Patrick's Day staple. Swiss cheese, sweet and tangy Thousand Island dressing, and crunchy Sauerkraut help make for a delectable sandwich.
"We're inundated with requests for Reuben sandwich recipes this time of year," said Ryan Downs, co-owner of Great Lakes Kraut Co. "Reuben fans also crave our recipes for Sauerkraut Reuben Balls, Reuben Pierogies, and Reuben Soup."
Reubens and other sandwiches are eaten at home more than any other entrée, according to a 2006 study by consumer trend researcher The NPD Group. More than one of nine homemade dinners includes a sandwich, the study said.
Tracing the Reuben's origin sparks emotionally charged debate. Some people say the first Reuben was created by Arnold Reuben, a Manhattan delicatessen owner; others credit Omaha grocer Reuben Kulakofsky. But there's no disputing that the Reuben's tantalizing taste is made mouthwatering with Sauerkraut, which is gaining its own fan base as a healthy food.
Recent scientific studies link the natural compounds in Sauerkraut to improved health and resistance to colon, lung, and breast cancer.
8 slices rye bread ¼ cup butter, softened ¾ cup Thousand Island dressing ½ lb. thinly sliced corned beef ½ lb. sliced Swiss cheese 1 lb. Krrrrisp Kraut or Silver Floss Sauerkraut, drained
Preheat oven broiler. Lay bread slices on 9" x 13" baking sheet. Spread one side of each slice evenly with butter. Turn the slices over and spread the other side evenly with dressing. Layer corned beef, Swiss cheese, and Sauerkraut on four slices and top with remaining slices. Place baking sheet under preheated broiler and broil until browned, turning once, two minutes. Serves four.
Silver Floss and Krrrrisp Kraut Sauerkraut, winners of the ChefsBest™ Award as America's best-tasting Sauerkraut, are manufactured by the world's largest Sauerkraut producer, Great Lakes Kraut Co., LLC, Bear Creek, Wis. With processing facilities in Bear Creek and Shortsville, N.Y.--the best cabbage growing regions in the world--the company combines modern technology and four generations of Sauerkraut-making expertise to produce the country's leading brands. Silver Floss canned and jarred Sauerkraut is found in the canned vegetable section of grocery stores in the East, South, and Midwest. Krrrrisp Kraut refrigerated Sauerkraut is located in the meat department at grocery stores nationwide. For more information about Great Lakes Kraut and its award-winning brands, visit
About the AuthorFemi Cole is a public relations specialist for Infusion Inc. in Green Bay, Wis. He can be reached by calling (920) 435-9800, Ext. 231, or by e-mailing
Tuesday, February 27, 2007
St. Pat's Corned Beef Plus Sauerkraut Equals Sensational Reuben Sandwich
Diposting oleh Dino Blogs di 6:47 AM 0 komentar
Patch Found to be Safer than Pills for Menopause
by Joshua Daly
A recent study shows that women who struggle from the symptoms of menopause should use a hormone patch or gel before resorting to pills in order to protect themselves from the dangerous blood clots.
Dr. JoAnn Manson, chief of preventive medicine at Harvard-affiliated Brigham and Women's Hospital in Boston said, "The French study, while not the final word, is the strongest proof yet that this may be true." The French study compared Wyeth's Prempro and Premarin, which contain synthetic estrogens made from the urine of pregnant horses. Two hundred and seventy-one women from forty-five to seventy years old suffered blood clots while on the patch compared to six hundred and ten women taking hormone pills.
Dr. Karen Bradshaw, director of women's health and an endocrinology specialist at UT Southwestern Medical Center said, "Part of the reason we think oral estrogens do cause clots is that they pass through the liver and can cause some clotting factors to be produced, hormones through skin patches are directly absorbed into the bloodstream, and therefore can be given in far lower doses to be effective."
This comes as a sigh of relief to the millions of women that experience painful menopause symptoms who abandoned the medication after a 2002 review which stated that hormone pills increased the risk of blood clots, as well as breast cancer and stroke. Patches and gels are already known to an affective means to treat symptoms such as hot flashes and sleep-interrupting night sweats that plague menopausal women.
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About the AuthorJoshua Daly is the author of many health related articles as well as the President of Joshua's goal is to help consumers save money and make better informed decisions. Click here for more information on ordering from a discount online pharmacy.
Diposting oleh Dino Blogs di 6:19 AM 0 komentar
Monday, February 26, 2007
Three ways to help support the fight against Breast Cancer
With October recognized as National Breast Cancer Awareness Month in the United States, many organizations involved in Breast Cancer research will need a helping hand to promote awareness campaigns.
You can get involved by offering to volunteer, or by starting your own awareness campaign in your community, but you don't have to wait till October to launch your project. You can begin planning your event whenever you want with the help of many organizations dedicated to Breast Cancer research and Awareness campaigns.
You can also enlist the help of your local church, PTA, or business organization to make your project successful and get others involved. For example, you can start by forming a committee to write a brief tip sheet on how women can stay healthy and reduce their risk of breast cancer. A tip sheet is generally no more than one page and lists important ideas and tips on a particular topic. The American Cancer Society can send you material you can use as reference tool, if you request it. You can also approach your local Reference librarian for sources to use to help you write the tip sheet. Once you have completed the tip sheet, you can mail, or distribute to members of your church, PTA, or business organization along with information on how donations can be made to support breast cancer research.
Another way you can get involved is by contacting The American Cancer Society, or The Susan B. Komen Foundation to learn about events such as Runs, or Walks organized to raise money for Breast Cancer research. You and your community organization, PTA, or Church can participate in these events and help promote them by distributing flyers and brochures provided by The American Cancer Society, or any organization of your choice dedicated to breast cancer research.
If you are a small business owner, you can also make a donation in honor of some of your preferred customers, or contacts and then follow-up by sending a note thanking them for their patronage and also letting them know you made a donation to honor them. Even if you are not a business owner, you can still make a donation in honor of a loved one, as a memorial, or in honor of your Pastor, or other leaders of your church, or your community. By being generous and reaching out like this, you will not only be supporting the fight against Breast cancer, but also letting others know how much you appreciate them.
About the Author
Tony & Molli Rathstone own and operate Inland Empire Adventure Boot Camp, Inc. A "women only" outdoor fitness program located throughout the Inland Empire area of Southern California. They have recently started a new service because of the demand for soild infromation regarding alternative healing methods from theire clients and customers
Diposting oleh Dino Blogs di 5:50 AM 0 komentar
Vitamin C to Boost Your Immune system
by Kimberly Jamieson
I would like to explain how important vitamin C is and how it relates to women's health issues. One of the many things we keep hearing from our doctors and also in advertisements is the importance of vitamin C. While I was in the grocery store shopping I noticed that so many food items are fortified with vitamin C. So it is important to point out how important vitamin C is to our body.
Vitamin C will help boost our immune systems and it will help to increase the fighting power of our immune system. According to Dr. Bill Sears "vitamin C helps to increase the number of white blood cells in the immune systems army, train them to fight better, and help them form an overall better health plan". He recommends approximately 2000 milligrams a day. This can be achieved by eating six servings of fruit each day. Fruit Containing Large Quantities of Vitamin C -Guava 165 milligrams of vitamin C -Papaya 87 milligrams of vitamin C -Strawberries 84 milligrams of vitamin C -Kiwi 74 milligrams of vitamin C -Cantaloupe 68 milligrams of vitamin C -Orange 75 milligrams of vitamin C -Grape Fruit 42 milligrams of vitamin C If you increase your intake of Vitamin C it will increase the production of white blood cells while also fighting infection. This inexpensive vitamin will also reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease by raising your level of HDL, which is the good cholesterol. Research also shows that people with a higher level of vitamin C have a lower risk of breast, colon, and prostrate cancer. Kimberly Jamieson has achieved success in living and maintaining a healthy fit lifestyle and has helped thousands achieve this success by using her fitness, diet, lifestyle and motivation tips. She is committed to helping women's fitness, and women's health and wellness and helping others achieve ultimate health and wellness.
About the Author
Kimberly Jamieson has achieved success in living and maintaining a healthy fit lifestyle and has helped thousands achieve this success by using her fitness, diet, lifestyle and motivation tips. She is committed to helping women's fitness, and women's health and wellness and helping others achieve ultimate health and wellness.
Diposting oleh Dino Blogs di 5:47 AM 0 komentar
How to deal with a cancer diagnosis
by Dillon James
Flaxseed, called linseed in some countries, is a good source of dietary fiber, omega-3 fatty acids, and lignans.
Several scientific studies show that consumption of omega-3 oils leads to a substantially lower risk of death from coronary heart disease.
The first time you see flax seeds you were probably, like ¡°ok, they look like sesame seeds, who are you trying to fool?¡± They may look like sesame seeds, but boy do they pack in a lot of nutrition.
A comprehensive approach to treating cognitive disorders should include foods and supplements that benefit the overall health of brain cells. These include omega-3 fatty acids found in flaxseed and fish.
In one study men with prostate cancer who ate an ounce of ground flaxseeds (almost three tablespoons) a day as part of a very-low-fat diet were able to slow the progress of their cancers between the time they were diagnosed and the time of surgery.
Does It Cost Anything To Donate?
No, the donor's family doesn't pay, or receive payment, for organ and tissue donation. All costs related to donation are paid by local organ procurement programs or transplant centers through provincial health plans. Hospital expenses incurred before the donation of organs, and funeral expenses, remain the responsibility of the donor's family.
Organ transplants, especially kidney transplants, provide tremendous health care cost savings over other treatment alternatives. For example, kidney transplants cost approximately $20,000 plus $6,000 per year thereafter (for anti-rejection drugs), or $50,000 over a five-year period. Dialysis treatment costs about $50,000 per year per patient, roughly $250,000 over a five-year period. Are we told what organs and tissues were used and to whom they were given?
One of the EFAs in flaxseed oil--alpha-linolenic acid--is known as an omega- 3 fatty acid.
Flax seeds contain vitamin E and B. The seeds are also rich in zinc, iron, copper, magnesium, nickel, calcium and many other essential minerals.
Researchers found low incidences of breast cancer and colon cancer in populations that have high amounts of Lignan in their diet. The lignan constituents of flaxseed (not flaxseed oil) possesses in vitro anti-oxidant and possible estrogen receptor agonist/antagonist properties, prompting theories of efficacy for the treatment of breast cancer.
Flaxseed has recently gained attention in the area of cardiovascular disease primarily because it is the richest known source of both alpha- linolenic acid (ALA) and the phytoestrogen, lignans, as well as being a good source of soluble fiber. Your local procurement agency sends letters to donor families telling them which organs were used, the age of the recipient(s) and, sometimes, a few basic details about the person(s). Recipients often write letters of thanks to the donor families. Names are kept confidential and are not given to the donor or recipient families.
Do all religions support organ donation?
Most religions throughout the world support organ and tissue donation as a humanitarian act. You should consider discussing such concerns with your own minister, priest, rabbi, religious advisor or hospital chaplain. For more information visit on the Internet.
Isn't it a bit insulting for hospital staff to ask for organ/tissue donations at such a time of tragedy and loss?
Organ transplants offer life or a better quality of life to other people. It gives the donor family the opportunity to help others during a time of sadness.
For more information on organ and tissue donation and how you can donate, visit on the Internet.
There is nothing as profitable to a drug company as a patient who is forced to take some drug for the rest of his life - heart medications fit in that category. Men who eat fish frequently have a lower risk of prostate cancer. Stomach and intestinal cancers also appear to be less common in fish eaters.
Flax Seed muffins pregents Cancer? How to do take Flax Seed? Find Flax Seed Recipe today! Omega-3 for health! Flax Seed Oil is a rich balanced source of essential fatty acids. The high content of omega-3 fatty acids in flax seed oil is one of its positive attributes.
You want to increase your overall health and energy level. You want to prevent heart disease, cancer, depression and Alzheimer's. Omega 3 benefits are wide-ranging and proven by clinical studies. Understanding the best omega 3 sources means you can include more of these healthy foods in your daily meal planning.
About the Author
Why is Flaxseed called the miracle food? Find out at
Diposting oleh Dino Blogs di 5:25 AM 0 komentar
Saturday, February 24, 2007
Step - Breast Self Exam
Step 1 - Breast Self Exam
Begin by looking at your breasts in the mirror with your shoulders straight and your arms on your hips.
Here's what you should look for:
- Breasts that are their usual size, shape, and color.
- Breasts that are evenly shaped without visible distortion or swelling.
- If you see any of the following changes, bring them to your doctor's attention:
- Dimpling, puckering, or bulging of the skin.
- A nipple that has changed position or become inverted (pushed inward instead of sticking out).
- Redness, soreness, rash, or swelling.

Step 2 and 3 - Breast Self Exam
Breast Self Exam: gently squeeze each nipple between your finger and thumb and check for nipple discharge
Raise your arms and look for the same changes.
While you're at the mirror, gently squeeze each nipple between your finger and thumb and check for nipple discharge (this could be a milky or yellow fluid or blood).

Step 4 - Breast Self Exam
Breast Self Exam: Cover the entire breast from top to bottom, side to side—from your collarbone to the top of your abdomen, and from your armpit to your cleavage
Feel your breasts while lying down, using your right hand to feel your left breast and then your left hand to feel your right breast. Use a firm, smooth touch with the first few fingers of your hand, keeping the fingers flat and together.
Cover the entire breast from top to bottom, side to side—from your collarbone to the top of your abdomen, and from your armpit to your cleavage.

Step 5 - Breast Self Exam
Breast Self Exam: Again, cover the entire breast from top to bottom, side to side—from your collarbone to the top of your abdomen, and from your armpit to your cleavage
Finally, feel your breasts while you are standing or sitting. Many women find that the easiest way to feel their breasts is when their skin is wet and slippery, so they like to do this step in the shower. Cover your entire breast, using the same hand movements described in Step 4.
Learn more about breast self exam in our Diagnosis section, including a recent controversial research report on the effectiveness of breast self exams for saving lives.

Diposting oleh Dino Blogs di 7:48 AM 0 komentar
Friday, February 23, 2007
Can Green Tea Protect Liver Transplant Patients?
by Marcus Stout
In recent years, green tea has gained a lot of attention for its ability to prevent diseases and keep us healthy. Most of the attention has been on green tea's ability to prevent cancer and heart disease, and some of the research results in this area have been quite promising. Look at some of the findings thus far.
* Green tea was shown to be an effective adjunct to chemotherapy in breast cancer patients. A study concluded that patients who received green tea along with their chemotherapy showed a higher concentration of their chemotherapy drugs in their cancer cells than those who had chemotherapy alone. * Green tea acted was shown to act as a scavenger against skin cancer cells, whether taken orally or applied to the skin.
* Green tea was shown to have a significant lowering effect on post menopausal women's circulating estrogen level. We know that a high circulating estrogen level after menopause increases the breast cancer risk.
* A study conducted in China showed that regular tea drinkers had a significantly lower risk of biliary tract cancer and gallbladder cancer - even if they had gall bladder disease - than those who did not drink green tea.
* Another study showed that green tea consumption appears to have the ability to act as a sort of scavenger against a substance called Reactive Oxygen Species (ROS). ROS are a particular form of free radicals that contribute to the development of prostate cancer, when produced in excess.
* Green tea has been shown to prevent heart disease by preventing LDL cholesterol circulating in the blood from oxidizing. When LDL cholesterol doesn't oxidize, it cannot harden into plaque and stick to arterial walls.
* Green tea has been shown to regulate blood sugar naturally. Researchers believe that it has potential to help control Type II diabetes.
But, there may be additional interesting news. It's possible that green tea may increase the chances of success in liver transplants, as well. In the past, studies have shown that green tea's anti-oxidants might be effective in treating several forms of liver disease. But now it seems that there may be even more good news about how green tea might help the liver.
Two different studies have shown ways that green tea might be helpful in increase the chance of success in liver transplants. One common complication in liver transplants is ischemia, or restricted blood flow. When blood flow is restricted after a transplant, the chances are greater that the patient will develop complications or reject the organ. Ischemia is more common in obese people, and when the transplanted liver is fatty.
One study showed that the simple act of rinsing a fatty liver in a solution that contained green tea extract before transplanting it reduced the chances of transplant failure.
In another study, some mice were fed EGCG, the most significant anti-oxidant in green tea, while others were not. They were all then subjected to surgeries resulting in ischemia that threatened to injure their livers.
The mice that were fed green tea had a 100% survival rate, while those that were not fed green tea had only a 65% survival rate. When the mice that were fed green tea underwent tissue analysis, they were found to have far less liver cell death and far more viable liver tissue than the mice who did not receive green tea.
In addition, the study showed that green tea has the ability to reduce the fat content of fatty livers by as much as 55%, while protecting the liver tissue.
This is great news for liver transplant patients. Each year, about 4500 livers become available for transplant from cadaver donors. In addition, living donor programs are becoming more popular and safe. Each year, more and more liver transplants are performed from living donors, who typically make a complete recovery within weeks of their surgery.
However, each year many patients die while waiting for transplants, and some transplants fail due to complications. Each year, about 5% of cadaver transplant patients die within one month of the transplant, and another 9% will die within one year. Statistics are better for live donor transplant patients, with approximately a 3% death rate in the first year, and just over 5% death rate in the first year.
If green tea can reduce the number of transplant failure by helping ensure a higher level of viable liver tissue and reducing the risk of ischemia, then liver transplants can see an even higher success rate than today. This, coupled with the increased success of live donor transplants makes facing a liver transplant far less frightening.
Green tea seems to hold a great deal of possibility for the future. There are numerous diseases that green tea seems to have the ability to prevent or help treat. As research continues, it's likely that we'll learn more ways that we can use green tea to protect our health.
About the Author
Marcus Stout is President of the Golden Moon Tea Company. For more information about tea, green tea and wu long tea go to
Diposting oleh Dino Blogs di 7:33 PM 0 komentar
Green Tea And Hormone Related Cancers
by Marcus Stout
It's beginning to become apparent to the medical community that drinking green tea has many health benefits, including the prevention of cancer. This is incredibly exciting news, particularly since cancer is one of the most insidious and feared diseases in our society today.
Almost 1.5 million people will be diagnosed with cancer this year, and about 500,000 people will die from cancer this year. In fact, cancer is the second leading cause of death in the US, after heart disease. If cancer rates stay the same as they are today, one in four of us will die from this disease.
Many cancers are preventable by making lifestyle changes. For example, 80% of all cases of lung cancer occur in those who smoke. And, most cases of skin cancer, which is the most common form of cancer, could be prevented by protecting yourself from the sun. Many other cancers can be prevented by maintaining a healthy lifestyle; maintaining a normal weight, getting regular exercise and eating healthy foods.
But, it also seems clear that green tea may be effective at helping to prevent all sorts of cancers. Green tea is loaded with an anti-oxidant known as EGCG, and it has proven to be one of the most potent anti-oxidants of all. Anti-oxidants are critical to our health because they fight free radicals. Free radicals are oxygen containing molecules that are created as part of the conversion of food to energy.
When free radicals are not neutralized they damage our cells and DNA. Over time, this leads to aging and many diseases like cancer. Therefore, eating a diet rich in anti-oxidants is a great way to protect your health. Blueberries, artichokes, asparagus, tomatoes and pomegranates are great anti-oxidant sources. But, green tea is just as potent as the most anti-oxidant rich fruit or vegetable.
Green tea is simple to add to your diet. It's inexpensive and available in many forms. You can brew your own from loose tea or teabags, or you can buy already bottled green tea. Green tea is just as healthy whether you enjoy it hot or iced, and retains its healthy benefits even when you add milk.
Green tea has become popular flavored with other fruits, so no matter what flavors you enjoy, you can likely find a green tea to suit you. No other beverage is as easy to find and has such potential for preventing cancer as green tea.
One particular area of interest regarding green tea's cancer preventing qualities revolves around hormone related cancers, like breast cancer, prostate cancer and ovarian cancer. For example, we know that a post-menopausal woman is at a higher risk for breast cancer if she continues to have high circulating hormone levels. This is the reason why women who use estrogen therapy to ease the symptoms of menopause are at a greater risk for cancer than those who do not use estrogen.
And, we know that a high level of testosterone in the blood causes prostate cancer to grow more quickly. As for ovarian cancer, it is also believed that the circulating hormone levels are related to a higher risk for developing the disease.
One study, reported by the UK Tea Council, looked at the many bodies of research on hormone related cancers, and how green tea might affect the risk of these cancers. This report shows that many studies have suggested that green tea has the ability to lower circulating hormone levels in the body, thereby likely reducing the risk of hormone related cancers.
Much of the research performed to date has been on laboratory mice, so much more research is needed on humans in order to really determine how tea affects circulating hormone levels. Human studies often lag far behind animals studies in health areas because they are more difficult to perform, and can take many years to understand results.
There have, however, been some studies on humans and how their circulating hormone levels are affected by tea. One study looked at post menopausal women who drank green tea, compared to those who drank black tea and those who were not tea drinkers at all. This study concluded that green tea, but not black tea, had a significant lowering effect on women's circulating estrogen level. We know that a high circulating estrogen level after menopause increases the breast cancer risk.
It's certain that more research is required, but it does seem that green tea holds a great deal of promise for cancer prevention, particularly in hormone related cancer. And this is significant in itself. For men, prostate cancer is the second most common form of cancer. For women, breast cancer is the second most common form of cancer, and ovarian cancer is the eighth most common.
So, as you can see, finding a clear way to prevent these cancers would be a significant finding, indeed. And, if the prevention method is something as simple as drinking green tea, it would be easy to see that the prevention method made it out to the masses. So, clearly, as citizens, we should push the healthcare community for more research and more information on green tea's benefits.
About the Author
Marcus Stout is President of the Golden Moon Tea Company. For more information about tea, green tea and wu long tea go to
Diposting oleh Dino Blogs di 7:30 PM 0 komentar
Some answers to colon cancer questions
by Groshan Fabiola
1. What is colon cancer?
Cancer is a disease which can affect cells from all organs. The colon cancer affects the cells of the colon, determining them to proliferate in an uncontrollable way. This mass of abnormal cells will form a tumor inside the colon. The cancer of the intestine is quite frequent and two thirds of this type of cancer is situated in the colon.
2. Who can develop colon cancer?
You are at risk of developing colon cancer if you drink a lot of alcohol and you are obese. Also if other members of your family had colon cancer or breast cancer you could inherit some genes that make you more sensible to cancer. If you have polyps on your intestine and you leave them untreated for a long time, they can transform into malign polyps, meaning that cancer had occurred.
3. Is my diet involved in cancer development?
Following a diet which is rich in fats and proteins could expose you to cancer. If you eat a lot of fruit, vegetables and high fiber foods you can prevent colon cancer from occurring.
4. Does colon cancer come with any symptoms?
There are some symptoms which could announce that cancer is installing, but they also appear in other diseases. Some of the symptoms are: seeing blood in your bowels, alternation of diarrhea with constipation, and low abdominal pains.
5. How does the doctor know that I have cancer?
The doctor will perform a sigmoidoscopy or a colonoscopy to examine the insides of the colon. Also x-rays of the colon will be performed. These methods will see if tumors are present inside the colon. In order to stage colon cancer CT and ultrasound will be used.
6. Can colon cancer be treated?
Generally the most indicated procedure in trying to treat colon cancer is surgery. By surgery the doctors will remove the tumor from the colon. If the cancer spread, giving metastasis, the doctors will recommend you chemotherapy and radiotherapy. These are hard bearable due to their side effects like nausea, vomiting, loss of hair, fever, and tiredness.
7. Is the treatment effective or not?
If the colon cancer was diagnosed in its early stages and it has not spread to other organs the treatment will be 90% effective and patients will survive even five years after. If the cancer has given metastasis the treatment will not be so effective any more and half of the diagnosed patients will live less that five years.
About the Author
For greater resources on colon cancer or especially about colon cancer symptoms please visit this link
Diposting oleh Dino Blogs di 7:28 PM 0 komentar
Hospitals Offering Mobile Mammography to make Breast Screening More Convenient
By Katieg
Even with all the information about breast cancer awareness, self-exams and breast cancer statistics available, many women still choose to put off having a mammography and even doing self-exams. They give a variety of excuses including, "no time", "no family history" or "lack of convenience" with having to travel to a hospital for a mammography. Fortunately hospitals are beginning to combat these excuses by incorporating a mobile mammography unit into the services that they offer to the community.
The mobile mammography has shown great success and community support in the areas that currently have the service. It was originally thought that it would be a service for the underserved such as those without transportation, insurance or low income families. However, it has become successful in other arenas as well, such as among working women or women with children that state that they don't have the time to take off work or be away from their children to go get a mammography. Some businesses are even working with the hospitals to have the mobile mammography come to their organization as a health benefit program for their employees.
Contact your local hospital to see if they have a similar service. If they don't, talk to them about the benefits. It is also important that you make time to go to the hospital to have a mammography and perform a monthly self-exam. Susan G. Komen for the Cure recommends that beginning by age 20, women should be doing a monthly breast self-examination. You can find information on how to do a monthly breast self-examination online. Early detection is imperative in the fight against breast cancer. Don't make any more excuses: your health and your life are more important than any excuse you can make.
About the Author
For more information about UniversityHospital, HartfordHospital, or MercyMedicalCenter please visit our website.
Diposting oleh Dino Blogs di 7:23 PM 0 komentar